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  Russia’s retaliation to sanctions a direct hit to
  gpt21 ()

Russia’s retaliation to sanctions a direct hit to Alaska

Seafood is by far Alaska’s top export, and as it heads 
overseas, global politics play a big role in making sales 
sink or swim. That dynamic took center stage the week of 
August the 11 of 2014, when Russia banned imports of foods 
for one year from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Norway and 
Australia in retaliation for sanctions imposed due to its 
aggressive actions in Ukraine.

It is a direct hit to Alaska, which last year exported 
nearly 20 million pounds of seafood to Russia, valued at 
more than USD 60 million. The primary product it hurts is 
pink and chum salmon roe; Russia is also a growing market 
for Alaska pollock surimi.

“After Japan, Russia is our largest market for salmon roe,” 
explained Alexa Tonkovich, International Program Director 
for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI). “Japan 
takes about USD 125 million worth of salmon roe and Russia 
takes about USD 46 million (more than 7 million pounds).

Russia’s ban also takes a bite out of Alaska pollock surimi 
exports, valued at more than USD 8 million in 2013. But 
that market is much more diversified than Alaska’s salmon 

“There are good markets in Japan and Europe, and we see 
potential in Brazil for surimi products, so that may be a 
bit easier to absorb,” Tonkovich said. “The salmon roe is a 
pretty significant volume, so I see a greater impact for 
salmon than for pollock.”

GPT SEAFOODS Room No.1809 Seongsu Academy Tower, Seongsu-e-ro 1 Seongdong-gu Seoul Korea (04797) Phone : 82-2-461-2703 Fax : 82-2-6949-2704 Mobile : 82-10-4186-8020 Email :